Parent's Corner » Social Media

Social Media

Dear Parents,
We will be using the REMIND app as a form of communication with you regarding any important announcements. You can download this app on your smartphone in the app store or the play store or using the link
Once you download the app, you will see messages/announcements in the Remind app. Your child's teacher may also be using the remind app and will send you a classroom specific code. You will have to add each class code if you have more than one child. 

 Thank you so much!
Follow  us on X
* In order to see all of our post's on X, please make sure to sign up for your own account ! *
We have a School wide account, individual grades and accounts for all clusters so that we can stay keep our families informed of the wonderful work our school community is doing.
School Twitter
3k/Pre-K Twitter
Kindergarten Twitter
First Grade
Second Grade Twitter
3rd Grade Twitter
4th Grade Twitter
5th Grade Twitter
Art Twitter
Phys Ed Twitter
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