About Us » Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures



7:30 AM - 7:50 am - 89th Street Cafeteria doors - Students will eat breakfast in the cafeteria before heading up to their classrooms.


AFTER 7:50 am - Students must enter the school building using the doors as followed.


  • 4th & 5th Grades - 88th Avenue/Playground Entrance
  • 2nd & 3rd Grades - Schoolyard Entrance
  • Kindergarten & 1st Grade - Main Entrance


Our school day at P.S. 60 begins promptly at 8:00 AM.



If you are more than 15 minutes late, you must enter through the main entrance. You may NOT drop students off at the main entrance without escorting them to the main office and signing them in.




Dismissal will take place in the school yard at 2:20 pm


*Parents are asked to please stand in the middle of the school yard and to pick students up from their line once they arrive to their designated location.


Please stand clear of the doors and avoid pulling your child off of the line without informing the teacher. 



Need to pick up your child early?


We understand that things come up or if a student becomes ill during the school day. Please make sure to follow the NYC DOE guidelines below when entering the school building.


If you know ahead of time you will need to pick up a student, please make sure you send in a note with the teacher or message the teacher on Remind with some notice.


Please make sure if you are not the students parent, you MUST bring in a letter with written permission from the parent including the name of the student you are picking up. 

Arrival Entrance diagram

NYC DOE School Visitor Policy

All visitors must show proof of at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccination to enter a DOE school building.

Visitors do not include students attending school or school related activities in a DOE school building.


Acceptable proof of vaccination is one of the following:


An acceptable COVID-19 vaccination includes one dose of any COVID-19 vaccine fully authorized or authorized for emergency use by the FDA(Open external link) or WHO(Open external link).


1. Must Notify Teacher about sending in treats before the date of the celebration by sending a remind message or sending in a note. 


2. All refreshments and snacks must be store bought with ingredients clearly labeled on the box.  

- Donut stores, such as Dunkin Donuts, will not be accepted because ingredients are not labeled on the box.  

- Goodie bags are not to be given out in school

- Cakes, potato chips, pretzels or beverages are difficult to manage and will not be accepted


3. All Refreshments/Treats MUST be delivered to the Main office AND labeled with the child’s name AND class number.  

*Parents and/or other relatives may not attend these class celebrations.  This includes siblings from other classes.  Please remember that photographs may not be taken in a school building at any time.

Attendance Policy


Attendance every day is required for students’ academic success. Perfect attendance is the goal. Having 90% attendance means a student is missing 18+ days over a school year—a month of instruction. With regular attendance, students learn the skills and habits to succeed in their academic and social lives.
NY State regulations require schools to maintain records that verify student attendance. Attendance must be recorded daily. Late arrivals and early departures must also be recorded.


It is the family’s responsibility to contact the teacher before 8:00a.m. to inform the school of the reason for any absence.


When a student returns from an absence, he/she must submit a note or documentation for the absence to his/her classroom teacher. A record of the absence (excused or not) will be made. In order to properly code the absences, after three consecutive days, parents MUST provide a doctors note.


The Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning, also known as the Discipline Code, is a guide that covers infractions and the range of possible disciplinary and other responses for grades K-5 and 6-12 in addition to the steps on how students/families can appeal decisions. This document also includes the Student's Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.


Please review the Discipline Code with your child. Please note the process is an escalation process where the first infraction of any kind warrants one of the lower end consequences that we have available and with repeat infractions becomes more punitive.


We need your partnership in enforcing school rules and socially acceptable standards with language and actions.



To read more -> Chancellors Discipline Code 


The NYC DOE chancellor's regulations cover a wide range of policies. To read more please follow the link.

The P.S. 60 Woodhaven School cell phone/electronic policies reflect chancellors regulations.


Cell Phones 

Students are allowed to bring their cell phones to school however, they must be turned off and stored in their backpacks during the school day. During the school day they are not to be visible to the other students or teachers. Cell phones are not allowed to be used during the school day. Please refer to the DOE’s Discipline Code, the school’s policy, Chancellor’s regulation A-413, and/or the DOE’s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (“IAUSP”). 


Smart Watches 

Unfortunately, Apple watches or other smart electronic devices that have data capabilities are not to be worn in school.


School Issued Devices (Computers and iPads)


Grades 4 & 5 - One to one devices are to be brought into school FULLY charged on a daily basis. Students will be utilizing their devices during the school day.


Grades K – 3 – One to one devices are only to be brought to school when requested by the individual teacher.