Check out the Scoop ! Our ice cream sale is back ! Please see the attached flyer to see what grades will be allowed to get ice cream what days. Please be sure to send your children in with an envelope and labeled.
NYC School Bus App Introducing the city's new way to track your child's bus rides to and from school.
Virtual Meet the Teacher Night ! Please join us this Thursday, September 12th for our Virtual Meet the Teacher night. Each teacher will hold two sessions for parents to attend. Teachers will be discussing the best way you can prepare you children for the upcoming school year. Please note: This is not an individual student parent teacher conferences.
Celebrating Attendance Spirit Week ! Welcome Back P.S. 60 Family!! Attending school regularly is the first step to reaching our goals! School begins promptly at 8:00 am. Building the habit of good attendance early can help your child succeed in school. Missing just two days a month can make it harder for your child to learn to read.
Arrival procedures ! This is a reminder that our arrival procedures will continue to be lining up outside for the week of September 9th !
Community Announcement: Woodhaven Library ! Please see the events hosted by the Woodhaven Public Library for the September events.
Welcome Back ! We are happy to welcome back our students and their families for a successful school year. Please read the following message carefully.
School Supply List We hope you are enjoying your summer ! Please find the 2024 - 2025 School Supply list here.
2024-2025 School Calendar Attached please find the school calendar for the 2024 - 2025 school year in English, Spanish and Chinese.
Summer Vacation! Congratulations to all of our graduates and to all of our students on a successful school year ! We wish you a wonderful summer and enjoy your time with your family. See you on the first day of school, Thursday, September 5.